
Show Introduction

I worked as the Creative Director of Arts House Dance Company in 2017. Dreamzzz was a multimedia performance integrating choreography by company members and videography by Justin Lee.

The show opened with a playful video capturing each person’s personality to energize the audience and introduce the thematic throughline.


I worked to make transitions between pieces of choreography as smooth as possible through interstitial videos that served a dual purpose:

1) to unite disparate pieces through a cohesive aesthetic vision

2) to distract the audience while dancers went about quick changes backstage.

A video showing the choreographer in motion would introduce and set the mood for their piece.

Choreography by Nick Silverio

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Introducing The Impact Series

At this performance, we showed a preview of our most recent video installation in The Impact Series, a collaborative video series exploring challenges impacting our community and the world at large, such as body positivity, LGBTQ+ violence, and self-esteem.

To introduce this video about collective healing, we invited members of Penn ASAP (Abuse and Sexual Assault Prevention) to introduce it by promoting their annual Take Back The Night event, encompassing a peaceful protest and survivor speak-out.

Marketing Alignment

I collaborated extensively with Marketing Director, Haley Pisciotta, to create the aesthetic vision for this performance.

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Marketing Assets by Haley Pisciotta

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Merchandise by Sydney Essex